My heart will not fear, even though I walk in the valley of shadow

My trust comes from the Almighty and in Him I must trust, because He is the one who can sustain me, He can give me the courage I do not have to tear down everything that wants to rise against everything I am going to do in the Lord.

When I am in delicate places, the Lord will take me by the hand and be my guide, and in the midst of the darkness of light I will be enlightened and I will not be afraid of anything or anyone because God goes with me.

Let us not let go of God’s powerful hands, nor take our eyes off Him, just look at God, because without Him we are nothing, nor can we do anything. Let us give thanks for His care, for loving us with that perfect love. Do not doubt that the hands of the mighty God will accompany us every day, and that in His presence we will be safe.

God is our light and salvation, do you believe this? Let’s see what Psalm 27 tells us in verse 3:

Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.

Psalm 27:3

First of all it is to recognize who God is for us, and give Him the glory for His great love and goodness, no one is like Him. He is the one who defends us in all our circumstances.

It is good to mention this example of the Psalmist David, recognizing the favor of God in his life, giving prayer for His great love, for the care of God. Can we say the same as Psalmist David? Of course. God also takes care of us, sustains us and helps us in difficult times. That God who helped David, also helps us too.


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