The glory of God will be manifested in us, and our mouths will sing praises

The glory of God refers to the beauty of the Spirit of God, but we are not talking about a physical beauty, we are talking about that beauty that comes from the character of our Beloved Creator and Savior, a beauty that reflects what He is. When that beauty, when His character is manifested in us, must produce something in our lives, but something extremely good, and that is why when that glory is manifested in us we cannot remain silent and we must pay praise to Him.

I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.

Psalm 13:6

Why should we not sing to Him if He has done us so much good? Our mouths must express the goodness, greatness, and majesty of our Beloved Lord, and what better way than by singing praises to His Name?

Our praise of God must be an act of gratitude, not to expect something in return. We have already said that we should praise Him because He has done us good, but even if we have received nothing from Him, we should still praise and sing psalms to His name. Remember what Job said in his terrible time of trial: Will we receive good from God, and will we not receive evil? (Job 2:10).

It is that we were created to praise and bless His Holy Name. And not only for that, but with that praise to confess and proclaim it among the nations, as the following verse says:

Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.

2 Samuel 22:50

Our praise must not be secret NOT! It should serve so that others can hear of the greatness of our God. We must proclaim to the four winds that our God is real, great, wonderful, He can do everything, and one day He will send His Son to look for His beloved church to reign with Him for all eternity.


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