God is restoration and shelter in your difficulties

God is our shelter and strength. The above statement is a great truth. Through all the critical moments that come into our lives, He is always present and helps us.

The protection of God is the best that a human being can have in his life because no one will make a sacrifice for you like the one the Lord made so that we may be restored and forgiven of our sins.

He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3

God in your life is an Almighty God whose mercies accompany you every day, and sustains you with His goodness and presence. That is why we must thank God.

Who will restore our lives but God? He is the one who has the power to help us. There is no other who can give strength to our spirit like Him.

Let us be faithful to Him and surrender our whole being even if we are decaying. Although we do not have the strength to continue and our spirit is dejected, we do not doubt that God will raise us up and restore us so that we can advance in the ways of our beloved Lord Jesus.

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

Lamentations 3:22

No person can sustain or restore their own spirit on their own. No one can get strength to move forward on the path of salvation, that is why we have God who gives us encouragement and words of truth, which has made us promises that He fulfills in His time.

We invite you to trust the Lord fully and He will sustain you. Do not trust yourself, because with your own strength you will not be able to do anything, but it is God in His infinite mercy that will help you throughout your career.

Do everything according to His will, walk under His statutes and put His name every day on high. Ask God for His wonderful mercy to cover you like an umbrella in rainy weather. Trust in God and He will help you.


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