I will praise God for His mercy

This, His great mercy is what you have always sustained us, from day to day we have seen the hand of God work in a powerful way, from ancient times to the present time, because God does not change, He remains the same.

We are standing because God has allowed it, for that we must give thanks for His great love, for His goodness and for His great mercy.

In life various difficulties arise which we cannot face with our own strength. We also think that we walk with the best steps, but God is the one who knows our steps, He is the one who affirms our walk and knows where we walk. Praise God for this His great mercy.

3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

4 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.

Psalm 63:3-4 (KJV)

Let us be thankful to the Lord and not only for a moment, but let us always live with full gratitude towards God, exalting His name, recognizing that He is a God of power and that He has dominion over everything.

In the verses we saw in this article we can notice the importance of God’s mercy. It is very important because He is the one who gives life and He is the one who takes it away. If we are alive, breathe and can take steps forward, it is because He has willed it, only He knows all things, and He knows us, so let us give glory and praise to God, He is wonderful and His mercy is forever and ever. Amen.


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