Sometimes we do not want to recognize that without God we are nothing, people believe that without God’s help they can survive, but it is not so, God is the one who can do everything, we cannot with our own strength.
God is the one who carries all our burdens, frees us from all sin, this happens when we approach Him, but when we don’t do it, this attacks us day after day, until we lose everything.
That is why Jesus said something very important:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
All these words spoken by Jesus Himself give us to understand God’s love for us, to Him we can go with our burdens, tired and thirsty and we will not be rejected by Him. He is our comforter, who sustains us and restores our lives.
God will be with all of us until the end, He will bring peace and give us new strength when we are afflicted. God in all will be our helper, do not doubt His power and His mercy.
These things will happen in our lives, if we make a decision to follow our beloved Lord, we will be restored, and our sins will be taken away, that weight that overwhelmed you, that burden that made you sick every day and that sadness that encompassed your whole being causing you will fall into tears God took it away so that you are free from those burdens placed by the enemy.
That is why we give glory to God every day, for freeing ourselves, for removing those chains that bound us to the world, that had us blind and enslaved. But one day God came into our lives and removed those bandages and brought light to our eyes.
Let us praise the name of the Lord God Almighty, let us worship Him because He is good and because His mercy is forever, God day by day lights our ways and His peace comes and runs all our interiors like a river of living water.
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