Under God’s direction, we move on

Walking under the powerful direction of God would help us a lot, since if we are walking under the Holy Direction of our Lord we can move forward in everything we do.

Many in these times are walking under their own direction and it is for this reason that they do not advance or achieve their goals.

When we have a project or other goal to accomplish, let’s not forget that we have God who can help us. God can lead us in everything, He is the only one who can lead us, who can warn us when something is wrong, also when we are deviating from the goal we want to accomplish.

God is faithful and we must believe in Him, that He will help us, but this will happen if we place all our trust in the Lord.

The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.

Proverbs 4:19

In this verse of chapter 4 of the book of proverbs, we can see that these things happen to people who only think of walking in their own ways, that no matter they make their own decisions. But where do we leave God? God must always be our direction because only He can help us.

Something that happens with these people who do not walk under God’s purpose, walk in darkness because in this way they decided.

We can also take some powerful words left by Psalmist David saying the following.

Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.

Psalm 5:8

We, all of us who want to walk under His direction, must ask God to allow us to walk under His direction, that we practice justice above all, and let ourselves be guided by God, because in this way we can fulfill our goals.

Ask God to walk under His direction, knock on His door and knock, look for Him, ask for strength. God will not reject you. He will open you so you can enter.a


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