Difficult is the way, but God gives us the victory

The way of the Lord is not as many paint it, from time to time, many preachers always have verses out of context to be able to deceive people who do not know this way. They put this path as rosy, because in reality the Word teaches us that this path is not easy, because narrow is the door that leads to salvation, and spacious is the path that leads to perdition (Matthew 7: 13-14 ).

To serve in the ways of the Lord is not easy, because we must leave everything for the cause of Christ. And it’s even more difficult because those things we leave make us war, but let’s not forget that God is always in the right place to help us.

When walking along these paths, let’s not think about the process that we will go through that door, but think and believe that God will always be present to help us and to give us a word of encouragement in the midst of difficulties.

That is why the Word of God tells us in the Gospel of Matthew the following:

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:13

Military in the ways of the Lord is not easy, because we must leave everything for the cause of Christ. And it’s even more difficult because those things we leave make us war, but let’s not forget that God is always in the right place to help us.

When walking along these paths, let’s not think about the process that we will go through that door, but think and believe that God will always be present to help us and to give us a word of encouragement in the midst of difficulties.

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matthew 7:14

There are very few who enter through this narrow door, but those who find it obey and enter. These will be rewarded by God for their decision, for deciding to be in the best ways of the Lord, filling His statutes and keeping His words. Therefore, let us be wise and take the path of salvation that is God.


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